The theory of Karma is that what happens to a person is a result of their past actions.
Karma is the core concept of Buddhism, Hinduism and several other eastern religions. In effect, Karma speaks to the law of cause and effect. A law referring to the relationship between two phenomena. One connected to the other—explicitly stating that every single action in the universe produces a reaction and has a starting point.
The Karmic Loop refers to areas of our lives that are repetitive, whether it be an external event, another person's behaviour or the result and outcome of a situation.
Examples of this are recurring patterns in relationships, money matters or the repeated pattern of good luck (or news) followed by bad.
It's these repeated events that feed and enforce limiting beliefs and thoughts such as;
"I will never be rich..."
"Relationships equal pain…"
"Nothing good ever happens to me…"
To understand this, we need to look at our most effective defence mechanism of finding a scapegoat—a reason outside of ourselves as to why something happened.
Before learning the lesson and benefit of taking complete and absolute responsibility for our lives, we would often look to another to blame for our situation, whether it be it the government, economic climate, other people or races. It didn't matter who or what it was, just as long as it wasn't us.
However, even though we become self-developed enough to recognise the value and power of taking 100% responsibility for our lives and results, our self-defensive trigger gets creative. We look to the past for reasons and events as to why something happened or justify our behaviour.
In short, we are meaning-making machines, and don't we just love the stories which justify and explain why something is, even if its not true or knowingly holds us back.
It allows us to escape the present moment discomfort of taking responsibility and action.
How the Karmic Loop Works
To understand how the Karmic loop works, we look at the concept of time and the personality of our identity and how we organise and relate to each. To break the loop or change the trajectory of past results, we look at the current behaviour and, in most cases, the reluctance to do differently, especially when it is in our best interest to do so.

When it comes to the concept of time and how we describe it,
life experiences and memories are organised in the Past, Present and Future categories.
To demonstrate this as a visual, imagine three circles before you—each representing one of the three elements of time.
- The centre circle in front of you represents NOW - the present moment.
- The circle on the left is the PAST.
- The circle to the right of you is your FUTURE.
A common belief amongst physicists, practitioners and individuals is that while we may experience and organise the linear timeline psychologically as real (this happened, then that and then that...). When it comes to time, there is only the now and that life as we know it is a collective series of present moment experiences.
German-born spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle in his book: The Power of Now, goes as far as to state;
"Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now.
Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now."
When we pause to consider this, the past becomes a collection of people, places and experiences recorded as memories. The future is the wishes and dreams of our hopes and desires.
Whether you believe that time is an illusion or not, what remains undeniably true is that you can only truly physically show up in the now. What is also true is that you can spend your current moment moment worrying about the future (what may or may not happen) or replaying the regrets and pain of the past.
What has also been proven to be true in behavioural and neuroscience studies is that, while you may not be consciously thinking of the past or future, the underlying beliefs and thoughts of these do play a role in your actions in the now.
How we show up in the now and who we identify with is what determines the future. Therefore, our identity becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words; a self-confessed shopaholic will both consciously and unconsciously behave to match the identity of one, even if that includes detrimental spending.
Our personality is the sum of the consistent actions of how we think, feel and act. The collective of which creates our personal reality of today, tomorrow, and the future.
"To change your personal reality, change your personality."
- Dr. Joe Dispenza
In other words, our identity is defined by who we think, feel and believe we are. This, coupled with our thoughts and feelings of others around us and the world, affects our language and how we act.
Who you say you are will be either confirmed or contradicted by your actions and language—our language and words matter.
Because, not only does one's behaviour and words confirm their identity and character to the world - it also reveals the disconnect between one's desire and the internal dialogue within.
The Power of NOW
Going back to the image above, the power of the present moment and enhancing our ability to create the future we desire is about showing and up and operating in the today and now without the stories, attachments and labels of the past.
Who and how you show up today not only affects how you experience today or the memories you create for your future self to reflect upon, it plants the seeds of creation and manifestation of your future.
This is the Law of Attraction in action.

When we wake up, with the thoughts, worry and regrets of what happened yesterday or years before (for some, it is feelings of anger), we drag all of these feelings and thoughts into the now, by identity and energy alone.
The more we live in the identity, memories and feelings of the past, the more we position it as our today. This is how we plant the seeds to create more of what we do not want into our future.
Our future becomes predictable when we look at how we show up in our lives today.

Separating from our past to focus on how we show up now is how we create the future we desire.
If your current reality and results is not working for you or is less than what is desired, then, perhaps it is time to take a closer look as to who and how you are showing up in each moment.
Is there underlying anger, sadness or level of regret linked to past events?
Have you attached yourself to the labels of diagnosis that make perfect sense of what or why something happened, yet you still find the experiences repeating?
Or, are you merely finding yourself stuck in a rut, surviving and repeating the same ground-hog day of routine with little change?
The good news is that change and a future beyond your dreams are possible. Even better is that it is all within your control regardless of where you start.
The question to ask oneself - How committed am I to these past, stories and labels.
In other words, how committed am I to this problem?
A new future and reality start with detaching yourself from the past stories, attachments and feelings (yes, at times, this can be so much easier said than done - but it can be done).
To show up at this moment with the thoughts, energy, feelings, and actions of the person that matches the future you desire.
What to do when triggered or challenged in a particular situation?
The power is in the pause. Emotional triggers will activate habitual responses, those which which we will often justify later with a past event or experience.
Rather than look back into the past to find a reason as to why something happened. Stop. Pause to take a moment to reflect - what do the feelings mean in the here and now. Before gong back into the past, look at what needs to be course corrected now.
What do you need right now?
Remember, it is perfectly ok (more than ok) to take a moment away from the situation to review and assess your next best move.
And, when it comes to reviewing a situation, when looking for meaning and solution for what happened today, remember to avoid adding another emotional attachment to the stories and identity which keeps us chained to the past.
This , together with positive actions is how one becomes a generational chain-breaker.

The Karmic Loop and Money
When it comes to money, the past is represented by Debt, the Present by cash flow and the Future by Forecasting (planning and forecasting future needs and growth).
If the thought or state of money in your life makes you worry or lose sleep, the chances are that you are showing up in the present moment worrying about the debts and stories of the past and a question mark and anxiety for the future.
Affirmative thoughts (attitude) + Affirmative Action = Fast-tracked Results
It is true; you could sit in a corner with your candles, crystals and oils, journaling to your heart's content while repeating affirmations of abundance until something shifts within self and the universe.
Or you can fast-track your results by showing up and taking positive action 'the now'.
Money, the money mindset and relationship is the perfect subject to discuss within the Karmic loop realm. It provides a tangible demonstration of the positive action required to fast-track one's results or shift the trajectory of the current reality.
Regardless of your financial status, the best place to start with an overhaul and revamping your money relationship and situation is in the present moment of Cash Flow.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Remember, an influx of money will not suddenly make you a Money Savvy - Money Boss. It simply magnifies underlying issues on a grander scale.
It is worth repeating; to clear past debts and set yourself up for future success, the work starts with mastering current cash flow.
Detach from the emotions of the past and recognising debt simply as the consequences of past actions. When we remove the "wrong and right" labels out of the situation, we become free to look at the effectiveness and outcomes of behaviour.
Note: Let's be very clear about this; I am not saying to ignore the debt. What I'm saying is to focus and get your current cash flow management and current living costs in order with a plan included to pay off debt and put away for the future at the same time.
Master how you show up and operate today and in the now.
Never put off saving for the sake of paying off debts in full. As this will only train you to become
a person who is good at paying off debt with a weakened savings habit.